Mungo Stories Walk Together Story App - SharingStories Foundation

Mungo Stories Walk Together Culture App

Discover 10 cultural stories from First Nations Custodians of Mungo National Park using this FREE location based app.


Discover 10 cultural stories from First Nations Custodians of Mungo National Park using this FREE location based app.


A Special Place

“The Willandra lakes is a very special place, as it tells us about how our ancestors once lived, evidence of how they survived an ice age, clues to what animals they ate and how they hunted them. Not only is this place significant for Aboriginal people but also for Non-Aboriginal people to learn about human history.”

-Ivan Johnson, Barkandji/Paakantyi Custodian

About the App

The Barkandji/Paakantyi, Mutthi Mutthi, and Ngiyampaa people of Mungo welcome you to Mungo Stories, Walk Together.

There are 10 cultural stories to find, located at story markers placed around the park. The voices you will hear are the living Traditional Custodians, the Barkandji/Paakantyi, Mutthi Mutthi, and Ngiyampaa people.

Some of the images you see were drawn and animated by the children of Mildura Primary School as well as by Ngiyampaa artist Nola Taylor and SharingStories Foundation, led by us.

This app is a collaboration between the Willandra Lakes Region World Heritage Aboriginal Advisory Group, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service and SharingStories Foundation.

Download the app now for your next visit to Mungo! 

The Specs

Version: 1.0
Genre: Entertainment, Education
Release date: 14/09/24


"The creativity in it is wonderful - storytelling, animation, visuals is a really nice way to absorb the information."

"Wow - when can I go! This app piques my interest and provides good info on how to find your way around the site. Looks great."

"It's got some good info about diversity of things at Mungo - people, use of plants, animals.”

The creation of this app was made possible through funding from the Australian Government through the Heritage Grants Program and the Screenrights Australian Cultural Fund. Special thanks to the Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation and the Australian Government through the Indigenous Languages and Arts for supporting the creation of the animations.

Funding Partners

AustralianGovernmentlogo 2
Screenrights Logo RGB_MAIN

Delivery Partners

Screenshot 2023-12-19 at 2.59.54 pm

Media Sponsors

Adobe 1
In Kind - Mercurius
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