Adnyamathanha Community
Program Overview
Community Group/s
Adnyamathanha Nation
2012 - current
Adnyamathanha Country
Final work
Yurlu The Kingfisher Man Multi-touch book: 2022
Same Like Yesterday Map Experience 2024
Jajoo Warrngara: 2022
Same Like Yesterday Installation May 2019 - December: 2022
Northern Flinders Ranges Country in South Australia belongs to the Adnyamathanha people. Adnyamathanha is our nation. Adnya is ‘rock’ and mathanha is ‘people’, so the Adnyamathanha people of the Flinders Ranges are the people of the rocks. Our spirit actually goes back to be part of the rock or the earth. All these rocks and ranges have the spirit of our people in them. The spirit of our people is embedded in this Country”.
Senior Cultural Custodian, Terrence Coulthard
The Adnyamathanha Community have worked with SharingStories since 2012 in a collaborative process which has resulted in a rich, bilingual animated interpretation of the story of Yurlu the Kingfisher Man, a story held and cared for by men. The foundation has also worked with the Adnyamathanha Community and curated stories cared for by women. A large-scale immersive installation of Same Like Yesterday, Virkuthalypila and Other Stories from Our Country, was first launched in 2019, at the DreamBIG festival in Adelaide.
The Adnyamathanha community has:
- released the multi-touch book, Yurlu the Kingfisher Man creation story
- installed a three dimensional projected work of Same Like Yesterday - Virlkuthalypila and Other Stories from Our Country, at the DreamBIG festival
- produced educational resources for Jajoo Warrngara : The Cultural Classroom to support teachers embed First Nations perspectives across the curriculum.
Over the next year, the Adnyamathanha Community will:
- release an online map interpretation of Same Like Yesterday - Virlkuthalypila and other stories from our Country
- continue producing educational resources for Jajoo Warrngara : The Cultural Classroom to support teachers embed First Nations perspectives
Community Members
Yulru the Kingfisher Man: Cliff Coulthard and Noel Wilton (Custodian, Storytellers), Terrence Coulthard and Mick Coulthard (Custodian, Language Workers) and Arthur Brady (Custodian, Mentee).
Same Like Yesterday Virlkuthalypila and Other Stories from Our Country: Gladys Wilton (Custodian, Artist and Storyteller), Linda Coulthard (Custodian, Artist and Storyteller), Judy Johnson (Custodian, Artist and Storyteller), Yvonne Brady (Custodian, Artist and Storyteller), Sophia Wilton (Custodian, Artist and Storyteller), Lesley Coulthard (Custodian, Artist and Storyteller), Donna Coulthard (Custodian, Artist and Storyteller), Veronica Coulthard (Custodian, Artist and Storyteller), Teresa Brady (Custodian, Artist and Storyteller), Shaunaya Brady (Custodian, Artist and Storyteller), Cliff Coulthard (Custodian, Artist and Storyteller) and Rhonda Gepp (Custodian, Artist and Storyteller).
Delivery partners: