SharingStories Foundation

We work with First Nations communities to protect, maintain and grow languages, stories and cultural heritage

Our History

Since 2012, we have worked with communities across Australia and utilised art, new media and vibrant technologies to support the recording, interpretation and sharing of cultural knowledge.


“We just did a Dreamtime story.
We brought it back into reality and then it’s in your heart.”

Lesley Coulthard, Adnyamathanha Cultural Custodian and Program Participant

Our Programs

We deliver community driven media arts initiatives that build capacity for cultural continuity and production.


We support distribution of community cultural outcomes, so all Australians can learn about our rich First Nations culture and people.



We have created an education platform where educators can embed First Nations perspectives.


The Three Traditional Tribal Groups launch Mungo Stories: Walk Together

We are thrilled to announce that the Barkandji/Paakantyi, Mutthi Mutthi and Ngiyampaa communities with SharingStories Foundation have launched the innovative new mobile app called Mungo Stories: Walk Together.  The project is the result of years of collaboration with NSW Parks and Wildlife and Mildura Primary School. The innovative project is not only a culmination of […]
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Western Australian Regional Mentorships

Mentoring is central to SharingStories’ creative practice.  Over 12 years our team has worked towards mentoring emerging First Nations content creators in creative and digital arts, using new media.  SharingStories is pleased to announce the launch of  three Regional Mentorships in Broome for emerging creatives and cultural practitioners, Georgia King, Stanley Francis and Jake Powers.   […]
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Boorp Boorp Boondyil Anniversary

Watch the promo video here. As we are coming up to Boorp Boorp Boondyil’s first anniversary, we are thrilled to announce that the Jaara exhibition,  recently won two prestigious awards. The exhibition was Winner of  the Indigenous Recognition category for the National Awards for Local Government. This award highlights how emerging initiatives can positively impact […]
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